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Tips for Spring Property Maintenance

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You can make your home safe and secure by performing spring home maintenance tasks. These simple tasks can protect your home from any potential dangers. Also, you may be eligible for a Travelers homeowners insurance plan. We will be discussing the most important spring home maintenance tasks in this article. Continue reading to find out more. Make sure to check your roof and your air conditioner. Also, clean your gutters. We'll discuss how to check your roof for leaks.

Prepare your home for spring

Spring is the best month to tackle basic home repairs and maintenance. Spring is the best time of the year to take care of all the things you forgot about during winter. Here are some tips for home maintenance in spring:

Check your air conditioner

You can maintain your air conditioner at home or hire someone. Replace your air filter if it isn't allowing light through. Your outdoor unit's fins should be cleaned with a gardenhose. With a soft toothbrush, remove any debris. If you haven't used your unit for several months, there is a good chance it has been sitting in dust for some time. You might notice some buildup.

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Clean your gutters

Spring is the ideal time to clean your gutters. They not only hold water, but can also be home to pests. These pests could cause illness for your family. You should not leave the debris unattended for too long as they can sprout plants. Also, gutters that are not properly maintained can lead to higher costs for repair or replacement. It is best to have your roof cleaned and checked annually by a professional roofing company.

Check your roof

If your roof has been neglected during the winter, it may surprise you to find that winter weather can cause severe damage. Spring is the perfect season to inspect your roof. Catch any issues early before they turn into major problems. Professional inspections can help you avoid costly repairs by checking for cracks, leaking, and missing roof shingles. Here are some tips to inspect your roof this spring:

Examine your foundation walls

Before the trees and other summer vegetation cover the foundation walls, inspect them for cracks. Take a look at the foundation walls outside the garage. Cracks with wider or longer sections are indicative of damage due to freezing and thawing. Foundation cracks can't be done by you. For spring home maintenance, it is best to contact professionals.

Check your roof during spring storms

Georgia is prone to spring storms, which can be very unpredictable. The weather conditions in Georgia can change quickly, with extreme heat, dry weather, and freak ice storms. Because of this unpredictable weather, it's important to check your roof during storms to prevent damage. These are some ways to ensure your roof is safe and sound.

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Make sure to inspect your foundation vents

Check your foundation vents during springtime. Also known as weepholes. They allow air flow underneath your home to prevent mold growth and moisture buildup. Additionally, they deter critters. Spring home maintenance should include removing leaves and debris from foundation vents, and cleaning them thoroughly. Also, make sure to inspect the foundation vent screens for cracks - pests like rodents and rats can squeeze through these small gaps.


What is the difference?

Handyman services can be provided for a wide range of tasks, such as plumbing, electrical, carpentry, cabinet building, flooring, tiling and kitchen remodeling. Carpenters specialize in woodworking. Carpenters can construct cabinets, doors, windows and stairs.

What's the time taken by a handyman for a project to be completed?

It all depends on how large the project is. Smaller projects tend to take longer to complete, while larger ones usually take less time. The average handyman will finish any size project within one week.

What are the top handyman repairs you can do?

Handymen can repair damaged roofs or windows, doors and gutters. Handymen can help with any home improvement or building project that is not possible for DIY homeowners.

Do I need a handyman trained to do my work

No. Handymen already have the skills and knowledge to complete any job. All you need to do is give them the materials to complete the job.

How do I find a trustworthy handyman?

Before hiring a handyman, you should always verify references. Ask your family and friends if they have ever used them. Also, look online--there are plenty of review sites where handymen post reviews of themselves.

Is it worth the extra cost of professional handyman work?

This depends entirely on the type of project you want to be performed. A professional handyman service will be helpful if you have a complicated project such as an office remodel.


  • Another estimate was that the market in the United States was $126 billion and was increasing by about 4% annually. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in May 2020, there are 1,357,630 handymen employed in the U.S.. (angi.com)
  • “Once the pandemic hit, that number fell to about 20%.” (inquirer.com)
  • Mila keeps a commission of 20% for each completed service performed by Friends and charges various service fees regarding work done by Pros. (appjobs.com)
  • “Before the pandemic, 40% of people asked how we could estimate a job when we weren't there,” Rose recalled. (inquirer.com)

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How To

How to replace the doorknob

Functionality and ornamentation are the most effective ways to replace a doorknob. A door handle is a great way to replace a doorknob that has a dull finish.

The important thing is to ensure that what you choose looks identical to the original.

A shiny brass knob might be too much if other shiny finishes are already around the house. You can go ahead and buy it if there's nothing else in the space.

You can also choose a knob that matches your existing hardware, but not the style of the rest. This is a great option if you are renovating your kitchen cabinets or installing a new countertop in another area of the house.

If you are looking for a classic look, try changing your knobs to match the handles.



Tips for Spring Property Maintenance